Therapy in Nature

Being in nature supports our physical and psychological well-being, it restores us, calms us, inspires us and gives us perspective. It allows us to breathe deeply and let go of built up stress; it provides space to expand our awareness; it holds our pain with non-judgement and offers us the nourishment and acceptance that we shyly desire. It's also great exercise.

The purpose of doing therapy outdoors in nature is to bring you on a journey of personal growth where you begin to experience yourself deeply and in connection with the plants, animals, insects and elements with whom we share the planet. As part of our sessions outdoors I will encourage you to connect with nature in a way that will help you to get insight on and work through your problems.  It can take place in the woods, the park, by the sea or somewhere else that you feel comfortable and safe. Currently I work in Tymon Park, Phoenix Park and St. Enda's Park in Rathfarnham but am always open to other locations.

We can walk and talk or we can find a quiet place to sit. During our session you will have the opportunity to talk confidentially about the things that are bothering you and causing problems in your life. I will listen always without judgement and help you to make sense of how you are feeling. Together we will work in nature to help you find relief from the stress, anxiety, depression, sadness or grief that can make life really difficult. We will also work towards understanding how you want your life to be and with nature I will help you to move towards creating that life.

Sessions are 1 hour, for fees please look under the Services tab. 

Our First Session
Our first session will usually take place indoors at my office, I will explain how I work and will ask you about why you would like to come for counseling. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions that you have and talk through any concerns. This first session will give us the opportunity to decide if we are a good fit, we will also decide whether we want to work indoors or outdoors. If we decide to work outdoors we will talk about where we would like to go and how it might work best for you. 

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